Elite: Dangerous Close Quarter Championships Trailer

Close Quarter Championships (CQC) is a new mode for Elite: Dangerous coming first on Xbox One. The ultimate 34th century gladiatorial contest between Elite: Dangerous pilots, CQC thrusts players into intense PVP action in custom-built arenas set within the Elite: Dangerous galaxy.

Close Quarter Championships (CQC) is a new mode for Elite: Dangerous coming first on Xbox One. The ultimate 34th century gladiatorial contest between Elite: Dangerous pilots, CQC thrusts players into intense PVP action in custom-built arenas set within the Elite: Dangerous galaxy. Equip a unique loadout on your Sidewinder, Eagle or new Federal Fighter craft and earn XP to unlock new weapons, modules and abilities. Elite: Dangerous adds Close Quarter Championships in July as part of Game Preview on Xbox One. Play CQC first on Xbox One, and see the Xbox One trailer now.