How to win a big pot to Hold'em no-limit

Tommy Angelo
By Tommy Angelo
This is a true story. I enter a casino at 6:00 AM with $2,400.  An hour of poker tables at $3-6 and one quarter of coffee later, I have $2420 opposite me.  No-limit had just begun and so I decided to take my favorite seat in the place that Eldon called it: "Breakfast Club."

Usually the game starts slowly while people stack their chips. But not today. Not with André at the table. It's the kind to hit the stone until it breaks and hitting the rocks until they yield. He had never played in a tight game.

André purchased for $5000 in chips and encouraged others to do so after what I took out all the $2400 I had and put them on the table. I subsequently won a few jars and climbed to $ 2800.

Three players with big stacks decide to limp. I was happy to join them with Kd7d on the seat of the cutoff. The button called and the blinds slept.

The action amounted to André. He continued to $300 in a $500 pot.  André built occasionally big pots apparel when in early position to then try to take after the flop betting $ 100 only. Several times I saw him build and taking bribes.

Everyone paid the relaunch of $300. I also called. Can spell you r-a-t-i-o-n-a-l-i-s-a-t-i-o-n?  So here.

Normally the option to consider when one is faced with a bet is a reminder, a call or fold. But not always. As when I am with a big stack and AK and have a large stack restart me all-in after having wagered.

This morning, with my Kd7d it was not question for me to sleep. I wanted to either call the bet of $ 300, or going to bed. In addition, my cards were matched.

The pot was $2300 before the flop and I had $2400. The flop fell K-Q-5, Rainbow. Andre instantly misa $2,000. The three following players slept and it was my turn.

I thought get 2:1 with my big pair against Andre and I think my hand was good in this situation. I mean, who knows? Andre could be anything, not true? Or indeed anything. In addition, I felt in a "mood" "I make a game or I leave." My friend Rob had also invited me to his condo at Big Island. What good time to win a big pot.

There were still a few good reasons to lie. What is André would really bet $2,000 in this pot with a hand that I could beat? In addition, my total bankroll of the day was on the table? If I was going all-in and I lost, it only remained me nothing and I'd just order a fruit platter.

Carpe diem! I was going all-in.

The advantage of being in all in the Hold'em without limits is the fact that part 'think' is evacuated. At this point, I'm more afraid of nothing and I await the result.

Button lay and André called the additional$ 400.

I tell him: 'pair Top!

André returned a pair of five. Bottom set. Oops.

Now I was starting to be afraid. And I was already almost dead at this stage. Out of the hand and penniless. The turn brought a King. My hand was still behind, but everyone knows I had some outs. The miraculous River led a victorious 7. André remained cool and graceful, in the usual manner.

Two hours later, I was in the cage with my stack remained intact.

Which reminds me of this old quote which is always true: "best thing to win a big pot to Hold' Hold'em is to bet against nuts and suck outer."