Prop bet at the Playground: Phil Laak faces Antonio Esfandiari on the ice!

While Pascal Lefrançois was busy to finish 2nd in the WPT Montreal and that Jonathan Roy alias Brendl was busy winning the tournament (congratulations yet Brendl for your victory and the $779,710), Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak were occupied to determine which of the two were the best goalkeeper by participating in what was named the WPT Montreal Playground Poker Hockey Challenge.

This prop bet was lighter than the action that took place on the table final of the tournament, but still interesting to follow.

The two players were not at their first prop bet. Earlier this year, Esfandiari had finished almost naked in a bath of ice water after a game of ball to the prisoner.

Therefore, this bet took place with the participation of Daniel Negreanu, Marvin Rettenmaier, Guy Carbonneau and Phil Kessel.

The event was under the direction of Bruce Buffer (19th for 17K), the famous presenter of the UFC fights.

In the end, this is Phil Laak, who would have defended more shots!

You will see everything in action here:

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