Series Royal at the Casino de Montréal - JPP and PokerJohn on the final table

Tournoi_poker_serie_royale_du_casino_de_montreal.jpgThe Royal series $1100 of the Casino de Montréal was full for the first time in its history. Indeed, 120 participants were contested $ 120,000 on the stock exchange. Of course, several members of PokerCollectif have benefited from the event.

On 9 November by the WSOP Jonathan Duhamel finalist was on hand, as well as Jean-Philippe Piquette (Piquetteaces, aka the man who signed each of its messages by "-jpp").


Jean-Philippe Piquette finished in 5th position for a purse of $ 8150; on the side of Jonathan Duhamel, he made very good figure in finishing 3rd, vinegrower thus $ 13,390. It is a good sign in the case of Jonathan who approach the final table of the World Series of Poker, collect more and more good results.

The final table had begun while Duhamel was 2nd in token and 3rd Piquette. Our two players clashed in an all in preflop later during the final table (DD vs. AK), and Jonathan has refined his skills to Pinball by winning the pot with an ACE on the river.

The winner of the tournament is Jean-Louis Arseneau, who made an excellent comeback with 7 players remaining, he had that about 6000 chips while the blinds were at 6 k - 12 k and 2 k in antes.

Here is the list of winners:

1 Jean-Louis Arseneau ($39 580)
2 Frédéric Pierre ($22 120)
3 Jonathan Duhamel ($ 13,390)
4 Menorith Huy ($ 11,000)
5 Jean-Philippe Piquette ($ 8,150)
6 Charles-Etienne Gagnon ($6 405)
7 Luke Lafontaine ($ 5,240)
8 Muhyedune Fares ($ 4,075)
9 Vincent Rod-Thibeau ($ 3,495)
10 Stephen Smith ($ 2,910)


Congratulations to the winners... and to Jonathan Duhamel and Jean-Philippe Piquette which continues well represent PokerCollectif! :)

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