Blogs by Tommy Angelo on PokerCollectif

PokerCollectif is proud to add articles by Tommy Angelo, author of the book Elements Of Poker, and this, exclusively francophone. Today you will find 6 articles that were originally published in English on the website of Tommy Angelo. Several other articles will be added during the coming weeks.

Thanks to him for having generously given us the right to publish them on this site in french. The PokerCollectif team also warmly recommend reading his book Elements Of Poker.


Poker Strategy

New book: Jonathan Little on the cash games lives

in Review of book
A new book just published by D & B: Jonathan Little We Live No-Limit Cash Games 2 - The practice As you will have divine, the 400-page book deals for cash games lives, but in a very practical way. What we mean by "practice" is that it is the presentation of…