Know his opponents

Tommy Angelo
By Tommy Angelo
I get my best readings by restarting. For example, if I have King-Queen of hearts, and on the River, I make the best second flush after getting my other heart on the turn, in heads-up (on a board without pair), my other opponent bets and that I raise, I can better locate me.
Is it me surelance then I can be almost certain that it has nuts, maybe.

If I reflect at length by hand and I analyze each of the actions, I myself say something like:

  • He bets. Generally, it means that my opponent hit the board.
  • My recovery: I love poker.
  • His reraise: I already saw you revive the river without nuts, last year once and I'm not convinced that you have a good hand.
  • My rereraise: in case he would have doubts about my doubts.
  • Its rerereraise: it is more than a possibility. He has misread his hand.  He has the ACE of hearts with the Jack of diamonds or perhaps another card. What makes me think what a smart player once said: "If you are to call a big bet on the River, try to put your opponent on a hand that you can beat." That also applies to the Hold'em limit. Of least, to a certain extent.

(In this kind of situation, if I believe be beat 99.9% of the time and the pot gives me on sides of 15:1 for the final call, I know that calling, I am not a bad game that much.)

Read the players at his table

OK, maybe am not so gifted it to read hands after all. Let's try something else.

People are constantly trying to read the other players. Children do it, dogs do.The ability to read the others is buried at the bottom of us. It is like when you are in a rental home and that your landlord asks you if you have this new job. You will be worried.  Or when a taxi driver asks us the name of the street in parallel. Or when you have a big stack of chips on the table and a friend suddenly appears at your side, out of the bathroom, and he speaks quickly and nervously.Which means that it is worried about having missed the chance to ask the question: "you can get a loan" until you have finished pissing.

By having my senses open to the poker table, I can accumulate a wealth of information that I can use later to each of my opponents enter a category. Or I can simply look the part. But it is annoying! In this case, I would rather know what the players eat, drink, read, watch, etc. And then, to use this information against them at the table. If it doesn't, at least we will have had an interesting conversation. Here is what I learned later:

What they watch:

  • Players who watch Baywatch are honest. If they raise, lie down.
  • Players who say never listening to Baywatch think they can convince the other players. If they raise, surrelancez.
  • Players who have never seen Baywatch tend to be weak-tight.

What they eat:

  • Players who eat big steak with ketchup are the kind to raise before the flop with 79o. If they raise on the turn, you must guess what they have because nothing will tell you clearly.
  • The players who eat salad without dressing (or even with dressing) are the passive kind. Restarting them.

What they drink:

  • Players who drink water and who think that the file is going to affect their judgment must be taken seriously. If they call the turn, check the river.
  • Coffee drinkers are of the kind to change policy very often. If they raise, slow down your pace.

They read:

  • Players who return their Wall Street Journal in a way non-chalente after a big badbeat are the kind to tilt. When they raise, get out of the pot.

What they are listening:

  • Players who listen to The Who can raise before the flop with 79o. If they are in a pot, turn up the volume.

And remember:

Don't criticize never someone before you have walked a mile in his shoes. In this way, you will be a mile from him and you'll have their shoes.