Best Poker-related Video Games
Category: Poker and media

Best Poker-related Video Games

In the 21st century, the popularity of video games has skyrocketed, to the point that the gaming industry is now equivalent to the film or television industry. Some of the biggest games are anticipated with the same level of excitement as certain blockbuster films or seasons of really popular television shows. Competitive gaming, or eSports, has seen an upward trend as well, with some of the big competitions getting international acclaim and even being covered by various sportsbooks.

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Gambling and women

Gambling and women
Category: Poker and media

For the lifetime of the gambling houses in the community formed a strong stereotype that gambling in a casino – is only for men. The roots of this stereotype leads back to ancient times, since women in all ages were considered homemakers and did not have such rights as men. Women were supposed

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