Heads up poker as early as January

The channel RTL9 joins Full Tilt Poker to broadcast on 21 January next on French TV.
Eight players who have qualified through FullTiltPoker will compete as a shootout. The winner will receive the sum of 5,000 euros in addition to a place for the final that will triple its profits and receive a bonus of 15,000 euros.


The final will bring together 12 winners. A first prize of €25,000 is up for grabs when all winners will play a heads-up shootout tournament during the final show more chance to make 1 million euros to it managed to beat in heads up three pros from Team Full Tilt Poker, consecutively.

If he beats heads-up pro premier, he will win 50, 000euros. If he beats a second, 200, 000euros and if he beats a third, he will walk away with the sum of one million euros.
The program will be broadcast in the form of capsule of 5 minutes from Monday to Thursday at 8:30 pm and a weekly one-hour program airs every Thursday at 11:35.

You can win your seat to face the Full Tilt Pros Poker.fr televised poker tournament the most prestigious in France: heads-up Poker - the face-to-face. Qualify through the heads-up Poker qualifiers and you will have the chance to face the best players in the world for a first prize up to 1 million heads-up €.

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