Rounders 2 pushes its release date


PokerCollectif had announced you at the end of 2010 the release of the second volume of the cult "Rounder" (in french, players).

This second volume was to come out in 2012 and would make the happiness of all who have discovered poker through this film.

Unfortunately, it will take until 2014 for the suite, although no official statement confirms this thesis.

It is the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) that speaks of 2014 on its pages. The company Miramax declined to comment this release date, leaving us to believe that 2012 is probably not realistic.

But we must see the good side of things; the project is still ongoing and nothing tells us that he will not see the day. PokerCollectif had confirmed you at the time that Matt Damon and Edward Norton would resume their original role. It is not yet known if Teddy KGB will still be held by John Malkovich or if this character will return at the second part.

As a reminder, at the end of Rounders, Mike (played by Matt Damon) decided to go player World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, which is a nice open for Rounders 2. On the other hand, the poker world has changed considerably since Rounders 1; How will these changes affect the scenario?

Recently, on CNN, Harvey Weinstein, the producer of the film, said that he had confidence in the film: "I love the idea of doing a sequel because there is an aspect of history that we have not developed. I want to do because there are things that have not been said."

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