Young Guns; a new movie about poker

young-guns-un-nouveau-reality-show-sur-le-poker.jpgModelled on the concept of the program Two Months Two million, the Young Guns series will present the life of four young poker players talented (Chris Sparks, Chris Jackson, Jarran Chelsea and Seth Otterstad). Seth, who is 'sethsethseth' on PokerStars, recently won a tournament on PokerStars SCOOP for a purse of $ 280,000, what remedy to its recent failure to cash games.

These players will be monitored 24/7 in a House rented in Las Vegas. Unlike Two Months Two million, players will have no money to reach goal.

A thread has already been created on TwoPlusTwo on the series and you can read the reviews. From what I have read, people are not very optimistic with this series. Remains to be seen whether developers will be able to surprise us. Whatever it is, if this series can earn poker in popularity, this is probably a good thing.


You can have an overview by watching the trailer which follows:


EC that there is particular with the series as you have been able to see is that the owner of the House will make appearances during the series. I do not know how it will be authentic in his appearances, but say that it will put some spice in the series, knowing that four players don't seem to have the sense of responsibility too when there is disorder in the House. I bet there will be some situations mounted any part question to put some suspense in the show.


First impressions of the American public, suggests that the series did not receive the expected positive reviews.

No release date has yet been announced.

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