Nanonoko in the Guinness Book of the Records

PokerCollectif had announced you earlier that Nanonoko intended to break a record in the world at the PCA.

The record should preferably have a link with online poker even if a live poker record could be considered. In addition, the record had to be easy to understand for the general public (people who know very little to the poker should easily understand the record). Several proposals had been made such as "the more hands played in 24 hours", "the most hands played for an hour without looking at maps and ending positive", "the more hands played by making the apartment bike", "most hands played in 24 hours listening to Justin Bieber and be positive", "the more hands played under water"..



Finally, a simple enough record to understand has been selected. Nanonoko should play hands as many as possible in 8 hours while winning at the end (which was obviously the biggest difficulty).

Finally, Nanonoko played 23,493 hands in 8 hours of play for a total of 48 hands per minute. During this time, he accumulated 22,784 FPP in addition to finish winner of 15BB of the limit to which he played (50nl).

At one point in his challenge, Lew was losing $ 1200, which equals 24 buy-in, what discourage anyone! "Initially, I runne very bad" he says. He still had the strength of mind to stay focused to continue to play its A game (not tilt in this kind of challenge question!). For "rebuster", he had to add 1 or 2 NL1000 table. The challenge was primarily a challenge of endurance and performance. Lew took a risk by adding tables of highest limits and it was to his advantage.

No rules forbade him to play these limits.

During these 8 hours, Randy Lew was grinder without stopping. In other words, do not go to the toilet. To do this, it has consumed the least possible liquid.

During this challenge, at any time he tells us, he has wanted to surrender.

As he tells us, even though he played on more than 24 tables (in fact, Nanonoko played about 40 tables), it should still be attentive to his opponents: "several players tried to abuse me taking me to target". To counter these adversaries, Lew should stay alert and adapt his game.

With regard to future endeavours, no Guinness record is to consider. It focuses rather on the tournaments he says: "I want to add a large tournament victories to my CV".

Feliciation to Nanonoko for his new record!

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