3.6 - regulations governing the showndowns (slaughter)

Notes: These regulations are drawn from the "Robert's Rules of Poker" and translated from English to french by PokerCollectif. It is the latest version (version 11). These regulations are used in most casinos around the world and are, for the most part, compatible with the rules of the TDA.
You can download the entire document by clicking on the following link: (to come soon)

3.6 rules governing showndown (slaughter)

1. to claim win any part of a pot, a player return, face-up, all his cards, they are used to form the final combination.

2. cards speak for themselves (they read for themselves). The dealer helps the reading of the hands, but players are responsible to keep their cards until the winner is declared. Although verbal statements about the contents of a hand are not binding on the player, a bad statement with one hand to encourage another player to throw a winning hand is unethical and may result in the loss of the pot. (For more information on the voluntary false ads, see "section 11 - Lowball" in article #15 and article #16)

3. a player, a dealer or a supervisor who sees an amount of incorrect chips put into the pot, or an error about to be made regarding the allocation of this pot, has a moral obligation to report the error. Please attend that this type of errors is reduced to its minimum.

4. the dealer must eliminate all losing hands before awarding the pot.

5. any player who received cards is entitled to ask to see a hand that has been called, even if the opponent's hand or the winning hand has been thrown. However, this privilege may be revoked in cases of abuse. If one player other than the pot winner asks to see a hand that has been thrown, this hand is considered dead. If the winning player asks to see a losing player's hand, both hands are considered valid and the best hand wins.

6. "show one, show all". Players have right to have equal access to the contents of the opposing hands. If, after a hand, you show your cards to another player, all players at the table have the right to see these maps. During the hand, the cards shown to a still active player (who can take a decision in the shot) must be immediately shown to the other players. If the player who has seen shown maps is no longer in the shot or can no longer take a decision in the shot (a player who is all-in, for example), the information must remain secret until the end of the auction in order to not affect the course of the hand. Cards shown to a still active player but who cannot take a decision in this round of auction only (for example, a player who has already acted but that is not all in), these cards must be shown upon conclusion of this bidding round. If only a part of cards has been viewed, there's no obligation to show the maps that have remained hidden. Maps views are treated in the manner laid down in this rule.

7.S' there is a secondary pot ("side pot"), it must be assigned before the main pot. If there are multiple side pots, the dealer sets first pot attended the players less, then the next, and so on up to the main pot.

8. If all players "check" (or are all in) on the last round of betting, the player who acted first to unveil his first game. If there is an action on the last round of development, the last player to have made an 'aggressive' action (by a bet or a raise) is the first to show his hand. In order to speed up the game, a player with a probably winning hand is encouraged to show the hand without delay. Is there is a side pot, players involved are encouraged to show their game only from the allocation of the pot in which they participate. A player can choose to throw his hand once the auction ended, rather than compete for the pot. On the other hand, other players do not lose their right to ask to see this hand if they wish.