4 - Use of the button and the blinds

Notes: These regulations are drawn from the "Robert's Rules of Poker" and translated from English to french by PokerCollectif. It is the latest version (version 11). These regulations are used in most casinos around the world and are, for the most part, compatible with the rules of the TDA.
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4.1 rules governing the use of the button and the blinds

In the part with button, a non-player dealer normally distribute cards. A special token called "button" is used to indicate what seat occupies virtually the virtual dealer. The player with the button is the last to receive a card and is the last right of action to all rounds of betting, except the first. So that all may enjoy the strategic advantage of being the last to speak, the button moves clockwise after each hand so that every players receive the button in turn. The button moves so clockwise time. <

To stimulate action, one or more blinds are usually used. The blinds are deposited in the pot until the players look at their cards. Blinds are part of the placing of a player, unless the structure of a game or the situation requires that some or all the blinds are considered to be 'dead'. The 'dead' tokens are not parts of the placing of a player.

In a game with two blinds, the small blind is placed by the player immediately to the left of the button, and the big blind is placed by the player two positions clockwise from the button. In a game with more than two blinds, the small blind is normally left of the button (and not directly on the button). In the first round of betting, the action begins with the first player sitting to the left of the blinds. In the following rounds, the action begins with the first active player left of the button.

The rules governing the use of the button and the blinds are as follows:

1. the minimum bet and the minimum amount for a raise are specified by the form of poker and the amount of the blinds for a part. These amounts remain the same even if the player in the blind does not have enough chips to pay the blind in its entirety.

2. in each round, each player must have the opportunity to play from the position of the knob and meet the blinds. To do so, we use one of these two methods:
(a) button in motion - the button moves to the next player and the blinds are adjusted accordingly. There may be more than one big blind.
(b) button 'death' - the big blind is placed by the player who should bet it and the small blind and the button are positioned accordingly, even if this means that the small blind and the button is positioned in front of an empty seat, giving the privilege of being the last to speak to the same player during two consecutive hands. [See "Section 16 - explanations, discussion #1" for more information on this rule.]

3. in a situation of face to face in a party with a structure of two blinds, the small blind is on the button. When there are two players, the player who was the previous hand on the big blind Gets the button, and his opponent is the big blind.

4. a new player entering a table has the following options:
(a) wait for the big blind.
(b) an amount equal to the big blind bet and immediately receive a hand (in lowball, a new player must bet an amount equivalent to twice the big blind or wait for the big blind).

5. a new player who chooses to wait for the big blind to receive cards is not considered as being a player who missed his blind (an absent player who must pay the blinds he would have had to pay during his absence). It will pay only the big blind when he enters the game.

6. a person who plays at Headquarters by someone else during his absence is considered as a new player and must wager the amount of the big blind or wait for the big blind position to enter the part.

7. a new player cannot enter the part between the big blind and the button. He must wait for the button is passed before entering the Party [see "Section 16 - explanations, discussion #3", for more information on this rule.]

8. the tokens by the big blind serve as initial.

9. a player who placed the big blind has the option to restart in the first round of layoffs even if nobody has raised. It still has the option to raise if someone all-in raise with a bet less than half of the minimum raise allowed.

10. a player missing one or more blinds can resume the game either by focusing all the missed blinds or pending the next big blind. If he chooses to bet the total amount of missed blinds, an amount equal to the minimum bet serves as a setting. The rest is taken by the dealer and placed at the center of the pot and this amount is not part of the setting of the player. The player retains the option to restart in turn to act.

11. If a player that needs a blind (because he missed it) receives cards unless he has paid his due, his hand is canceled if it previously looks at his cards and he has not spoken. If the player speaks until the error is reported, his hand remains valid and should post his due during the next hand.

12. a player who is all-in and loses the hand is required to pay the due blinds if it decides to redeem tokens. This player is not considered to be a new entrant to the table.

13. these rules about blinds apply on a party that has just started:
(a) any player who pulled the button is considered active in the game and must pay the missed blinds.
(b) a new player does not have to place a blind before the button was a full round, until his head was not in the position of the blinds.
(c) a player has the right to change seats without penalty as long as its headquarters was not yet in the position of the blinds.

14. a player who changes from seat to seat more near the big blind can receive cards with no penalty.

15. in all multiple parts with blinds, a player who switches places will receive new cards in the same relative position, for example, if the player advances two squares, must wait two shots before you can play. But if the player back, bringing closer the big blind, he can play immediately. If the player does not wish to wait and that he has not yet missed blind, it can then bet an amount equal to the big blind and receive cards immediately. (Exception: at lowball, it must make a "kill", expect the same relative position, or wait for the big blind; see "Section 11 - Lowbal, #7")

16. a player that changes place just after the button can not to play shots in the blinds that follow, and then re-enter the part after the button has passed without having to place a blind.

17. a "live straddel" ("a revival to the blind" is not allowed in parts of limit, unless this is specified.)