2.3 - regulations governing the assignment of seats

Notes: These regulations are drawn from the "Robert's Rules of Poker" and translated from English to french by PokerCollectif. It is the latest version (version 11). These regulations are used in most casinos around the world and are, for the most part, compatible with the rules of the TDA.
You can download the entire document by clicking on the following link: (to come soon)

2.3 regulations governing the assignment of seats

1. the player must be present to add his name to the waiting list.

2. it is the responsibility of the player to be in the play area and to be attentive when his name is called.  A player wishing to leave the playground shall inform the employee manages the waiting list, and can leave an amount of $ 20 in guaranteed to maintain his place.

3. when there is more than one party to the same limit and the same variant and no forcible transfer is required, the House controls the assignment of new players so as to best preserve the viability of the existing parties. A new player will be sent to the table that has the most need of an additional player. A transfer to an identical part is prohibited if the part where the player leaves would be left with less players that the party receiving this new player transferred.

4. a player cannot have a seat assigned in more than one part.

5. the House reserves the right to prohibit that two given players play at the same table (spouses, members of the same family, business partners, etc.)

6. at the beginning of a new table with button, active players draw a card for the position of the button. The button will be awarded to the highest card by color.

7. to avoid a conflict, a supervisor may decide to start the game with one player more than usual. When this is the case, the party will return to the normal seat number as soon as a player will leave.

8. starting a part, the player who arrives soon Gets the first choice of the remaining seats. For good reason, some seats may be reserved for a player. Example: to help ease of reading maps common for someone with a vision problem.

9. in order to protect an existing game, a forced transfer can be invoked when a table the same characteristics is opened. The list of "forcible transfers" is the same as the original waiting list. If a player refuses to migrate to another table, he will be forced to leave the table and for an hour, cannot enter the new part, or register on the waiting list.

10. in variants with button, a victim of a forced transfer player can continue to play its original table until it is in the big blind. The player can then enter its new part as a newcomer and either pay an amount equal to the big blind, or either wait for the big blind. In parts of Stud, a player can only play one extra hit before migrating.

11. a player must migrate to the new part to keep his name on the waitlist if, by this fact, there would be no more than three vacant seats.

12. a player already at the table will take precedence over a new arrival when a seat becomes available.However, no change will occur after a new player is sitting or after buy-in or a marker was placed on the table, unless this seat has previously requested. For players already in the part, who made the first request has priority for a change of seat.

13. all parties with button, a player who has retained a place in another party must migrate there immediately if there is a waiting list of at least two persons concerning the vacancy, unless the player has the right to play the button if a blind has already been taken. Otherwise, a player can await the arrival of the blinds before migrating. In parts of Stud, a player who changes table can only play the current hand if someone is waiting for this vacant seat; If anyone is on the waiting list, it can play an additional blow before you have to migrate.

14. when a party is dissolved, each player may draw a card which will determine the order of places in a similar part. If a player is absent, it is the supervisor who draws the card in its place. If the draw gives the absent player a place immediately, its place is kept until the arrival of the big blind (or two hands in the case of a part of Stud). If the player is still missing at the expiry of that period, his name will be written at the top of the waiting list.